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Kala Taruntum
Group Exhibition by Prasidha 93

7 February - 6 March 2024
Can's Gallery | Jakarta, Indonesia

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Prasidha '93 Group, the theme "Kala Taruntum" was chosen for the group exhibition. This theme is interpreted as an expression of optimism in navigating the future, aligning with the hope of rising from life's challenges, including facing the difficult times of the pandemic some time ago.

The Prasidha 93, a group of students with study interest in Painting, Fine Arts major, Faculty of Fine Arts, Indonesian Art Institute-Yogyakarta class of 1993, have had their 30th anniversary.

Agni Tripatiwi, Agus Subyakta, Alderin Emor, Anang Asmara, Darmawan Indra Budi, Donny Kurniawan, Endro Supriyanto, Heru Uthantoro, I Wayan Arnata, I Wayan Gede Santiyasa, Jumaldi Alfi, Kristiawan Agung Nugroho, Laksmi Sitharesmi, Muji Harjo, Noor Asif, Oskar Matano, Roni Dermawan, Sri Suyanto, Sri Wahyuningsih, Stefan Buana, Sugeng Patriono, Sujodo, Suraji, Tini Jameen, Turiyanto, Winarno, Yunizar

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