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Runaway Passenger

The Runaway Passenger exhibition is a presentation of Ugo Untoro's artworks he created in the second half of 2021. During the transitional era when the pandemic was not quite over yet, but human have begun to adapt and adopt the essential changes in the cycle of life. In his past exhibitions of the previous periods, Ugo Untoro often deconstructed the definitions of paintings, building new concepts of painting in the contemporary art practice that extends across many other forms. In this exhibition, Ugo seems to return to the earliest period of his artistic career; he considers paintings as a way to express his view of the world, of which everything is formed not only by his reasoning power to read situations and social contexts, but also his sensibility to absorb the events and the air. The sensibility that brings together poetry and philosophy, colors and lines, spaces of gloom and hope.

Experiencing the pandemic era inside his studio and occassionally outside to absorb the surroundings, Ugo Untoro was met with realities on how the defeated and marginalized are often powerless to fight or to race against the situations. The narratives of thos who fight against their environment, facing a world that changes so quickly, the discussion and intimate emotions that thicken in the domestic world, everything are summarized in the dark blue colored artworks. To him, painting is a way to record a memory and to slowly, perhaps, building hopes.






August 2016

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